After the funeral, Aer and Neviril discuss what they saw at the Ruins. Aer reveals that her grandfather told her stories about a "door to another world" that the Simoun could open. She speculates that Anglas may have traveled to the ancient Simoun through that other world during the explosion. They compare this to Onasia's statements that she is "everywhere and nowhere" and that the Spring exists outside normal reality, and conclude that what's true for Anglas and Onasia may also be true for Dominūra and Rimone — who therefore could be alive somewhere. Neviril swears Aer to secrecy about their discussion, and the two agree to keep it a secret. Realizing that the Simouns seen at the Ruins were most likely piloted by Plumbish priestesses, the Simulacran Defence Minister orders Chor Tempest to locate and destroy the airborne supply base that Messis had discovered, using the Messis as their base. Aer and Yun are ordered to stay behind, with Mamina taking Aer's place as Neviril's pair. They ignore their orders and follow along in Chor Tempest's wake anyway. Neviril splits her patrol in half, taking Alty and Floe with her, and assigning a different sector to the other two Simouns.